On Demand Adventure with Friends

Create your own adventure! Join your friends and favorite staff on a custom adventure with your Camp Sequoia family. These adventures can be highly specific in destination, scope and duration. Please use this link to fill out an interest form to get the process started. Check out these teaser ideas below for you and your friends. We welcome creativity. As you know Director Lux has been on all SEVEN continents and is happy to craft a custom trip based upon your interests, timeframe and budget. Whether a weekend or a week, we'd love to help you and your friends with an amazing adventure.

First and Last

First and Last

Ex. : We are looking to spend 3-4 days in Houston for Pete and his 2 friends to celebrate finishing up middle school. Pete is interested in STEM activities and would love to visit Padre Island and do a half day of fishing.

Examples might be: Winter Break for 4-5 days, a long weekend in March, or a Saturday/Sunday in September.

Examples might include dietary restrictions, preferred staff for the trip, details about the group of friends etc.